Garbanzo Oat Waffles
The ingredients for Garbanzo-Oat Waffles sound like an unlikely combination for waffles; however, surprisingly, these high fiber, low sugar and fat waffles are surprisingly good!
The ingredients for Garbanzo-Oat Waffles sound like an unlikely combination for waffles; however, surprisingly, these high fiber, low sugar and fat waffles are surprisingly good!
This recipe is perfect to make in the summertime when fresh, organic fruit is abundant! It is light, refreshing and nourishing. Ingredients: 3 c.
Winner of the “Most Likely to Repeat” award. A grown-up fresh and healthy spin on the traditional “Rice Krispy Treat” packed with energy boosting nutrients!
The texture of this recipe is strikingly close to seafood ceviche. A wonderful, light vegetarian spin on a traditional favorite. Ingredients: 1/2 red onion
This marinade is legendary in Judi’s family on her baked Salmon. However, it is amazing on almost any meat. We’ve tried it on lamb, steak,
This super-food chocolate cake is actually made of tons of fruit, nuts and veggies instead of sugar and eggs. This never-get-sick recipe from Dr. Fuhrman
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